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4.1 Policy Evaluation

First we consider how to compute the state-value function for an arbitrary policy, . This is called policy evaluation in the DP literature. We also refer to it as the prediction problem. Recall from Chapter 3 that, for all ,


where is the probability of taking action a in state s under policy , and the expectations are subscripted by to indicate that they are conditional on being followed. The existence and uniqueness of is guaranteed as long as either or eventual termination is guaranteed from all states under the policy .

If the environment's dynamics are completely known, then (4.4) is a system of simultaneous linear equations in unknowns (the , ). In principle, its solution is a straightforward, if tedious, computation. For our purposes, iterative solution methods are most suitable. Consider a sequence of approximate value functions , each mapping to . The initial approximation, , is chosen arbitrarily (except that the terminal state, if any, must be given value 0), and each successive approximation is obtained by using the Bellman equation for (3 .10 ) as an update rule:


for all . Clearly, is a fixed point for this update rule because the Bellman equation for assures us of equality in this case. Indeed, the sequence can be shown in general to converge to as under the same conditions that guarantee the existence of . This algorithm is called iterative policy evaluation.

To produce each successive approximation, from , iterative policy evaluation applies the same operation to each state s: it replaces the old value of s with a new value obtained from the old values of the successor states of s, and the expected immediate rewards, along all the one-step transitions possible under the policy being evaluated. We call this kind of operation a full backup. Each iteration of iterative policy evaluation backs up the value of every state once to produce the new approximate value function . There are several different kinds of full backups depending on whether a state is being backed up (as here) or a state-action pair, and depending on the precise way the estimated values of the successor states are combined. All the backups done in DP algorithms are called full backups because they are based on all possible next states rather than on a sample next state. The nature of a backup can be expressed in an equation, as above, or in a backup diagram like those introduced in Chapter 3. For example, Figure 3 .4 a is the backup diagram corresponding to the full backup used in iterative policy evaluation.

To write a sequential computer program to implement iterative policy evaluation, as given by (4.5), you would have to use two arrays, one for the old values, , and one for the new values, . This way the new values can be computed one by one from the old values without the old values being changed. Of course it is easier simply to use one array and update the values ``in place", that is, with each new backed-up value immediately overwriting the old one. Then, depending on the order in which the states are backed up, sometimes new values are used instead of old ones on the righthand side of (4.5). This slightly different algorithm also converges to ; in fact, it usually converges faster than the two-array version, as you might expect since it uses new data as soon as it is available. We think of the backups as being done in a sweep through the state space. The order in which states are backed up during the sweep has a significant influence on the rate of convergence. We usually have the in-place version in mind when we think of DP algorithms.gif

Another implementation point concerns the termination of the algorithm. Formally, iterative policy evaluation converges only in the limit, but in practice it must be halted short of this. A typical stopping condition for iterative policy evaluation is to test the quantity after each sweep and stop when it is sufficiently small. Figure 4.1 gives a complete algorithm for iterative policy evaluation with this stopping criterion.

Input , the policy to be evaluated Initialize , for all Repeat For each : until (a small positive number) Output

Figure 4.1: Iterative policy evaluation.

Example . Consider the gridworld shown below.

The nonterminal states are . There are 4 actions possible in each state, , which deterministically cause the corresponding state transitions, except that actions that would take the agent off the grid in fact leave the state unchanged. Thus, e.g., , , and . This is an undiscounted, episodic task. The reward is -1 on all transitions until the terminal state is reached. The terminal state is shaded in the figure (although it is shown in two places it is formally one state). The expected reward function is thus , for all states and actions a. Suppose the agent follows the equiprobable random policy (all actions equally likely). The left side of Figure 4.2 shows the sequence of value functions computed by iterative policy evaluation. The final estimate is in fact , which in this case gives for each state the negation of the expected number of steps from that state until termination.

Figure 4.2: Convergence of iterative policy evaluation on a small gridworld. The left column is the sequence of approximations of the value function for the random policy (all actions equal). The right column is the sequence of greedy policies corresponding to the value function estimates (arrows are shown for all actions achieving the maximum). The last policy is guaranteed only to be an improvement over the random policy, but in this case it and all policies after the third iteration are optimal.

Exercise .

If is the equiprobable random policy, what is ? What is ?

Exercise .

Suppose a new state 15 is added to the gridworld just below state 13, whose actions, left, up, right, and down, take the agent to states 12, 13, 14, and 15 respectively. Assume that the transitions from the original states are unchanged. What then is for the equiprobable random policy? Now suppose the dynamics of state 13 are also changed, such that action down from state 13 takes the agent to the new state 15. What is for the equiprobable random policy in this case?

Exercise .

What are the equations analogous to (4.3), (4.4) and (4.5) for the action-value function and its successive approximation by a sequence of functions ?

Exercise .

In some undiscounted episodic tasks there may be some policies for which eventual termination is not guaranteed. For example, in the grid problem above it is possible to go back and forth between two states forever. In a task that is otherwise perfectly sensible, may be negative infinity for some policies and states, in which case the algorithm for iterative policy evaluation given in Figure 4.1 will not terminate. As a purely practical matter, how might we amend this algorithm to assure termination even in this case. Assume that eventual termination is guaranteed under the optimal policy.

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Richard Sutton
Sat May 31 11:09:21 EDT 1997